Here is the new beam in place and the breakfast bar opened up.
We found this Carnation milk box in the kithen wall. The bottom of it says, "From Contented Cows".
I did some sanding on the kitchen table. I still have some more to do then I will give it a light sheen to finish it off.
I made these picture bases from boards we tore off the walls upstairs. They are COOL!
Then it was time to hang some drywall. It didn't take long because we are putting bead board behind the cabinets. Then last weekend, we had "wallboy" come finish our drywall for us. He says we aren't allowed to do it ourselves. He's a drywall perfectionist! So we let him to the finishing while Superman tried to hook up the new gas stove. Wallboy jumped in to help with the stove, but we had to do some trouble shooting.
The above picture is actually a before and after picture. This is the same wall with the new door installed. I LOVE the new door. I watched deer out the back last time we were there.
We had to cut this cabinet down to stand it up. I'm going to leave the cabinets open, except for where I put the old window. It fits perfectly! I nailed some salvaged boards of the side and I'm going to make a chalkboard out of it. Oh, I am having fun.
This is "wallboy". He also happens to be my uncle. :)
If all goes well, my next post will be pictures of the painted kitchen with the cabinets in place. Yahoo!! So exciting!! Happy harvest.