Thursday, July 28, 2016

And then there were four.

     Greetings from the Redberry.  Since my last post, we've been busy trimming out rooms, filling in nail holes, and caulking. I painted all the bedroom doors and Superman installed the doorknobs.  They are just the cutest doors ever.  We promised ourselves we wouldn't move on to the next room until the previous one is completely finished.  Otherwise, it may  never get finished.  So the first three bedrooms are totally complete.  Then it was on to Uncle's room. The smallest bedroom of them all, but totally and completely cute none the less.  Here are the befores and afters!
when we bought the place

during tear out

We hung the drywall with the help of a dear friend (Thanks Tereva!) Then "Wallboy" came back for a day and worked his magic. After that, it was my turn to work my magic! (wink wink)

Mattress and bedding will come later, but I knew you wouldn't mind that it was missing.  

While we really don't waist a minute trying to get the Redberry done, we have been able to have some friends and family up for a visit.  And we occasionally do take a break! 

When this place is done, I plan on having an open house, but until then, if you're up for a roadtrip or you're in the area, stop in.  We'll take a break and show you around.  

Ps. next stop.......bathroom ~ restroom ~ lavatory ~ water closet ~ the lou
Stay tuned!