Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Redberry blog has moved

Hello there.  The Redberry blog has moved to a new site.  You can always stop back here to see where we started.  For new posts, go to www.theredberrycottage.wordpress.com.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

And then there were four.

     Greetings from the Redberry.  Since my last post, we've been busy trimming out rooms, filling in nail holes, and caulking. I painted all the bedroom doors and Superman installed the doorknobs.  They are just the cutest doors ever.  We promised ourselves we wouldn't move on to the next room until the previous one is completely finished.  Otherwise, it may  never get finished.  So the first three bedrooms are totally complete.  Then it was on to Uncle's room. The smallest bedroom of them all, but totally and completely cute none the less.  Here are the befores and afters!
when we bought the place

during tear out

We hung the drywall with the help of a dear friend (Thanks Tereva!) Then "Wallboy" came back for a day and worked his magic. After that, it was my turn to work my magic! (wink wink)

Mattress and bedding will come later, but I knew you wouldn't mind that it was missing.  

While we really don't waist a minute trying to get the Redberry done, we have been able to have some friends and family up for a visit.  And we occasionally do take a break! 

When this place is done, I plan on having an open house, but until then, if you're up for a roadtrip or you're in the area, stop in.  We'll take a break and show you around.  

Ps. next stop.......bathroom ~ restroom ~ lavatory ~ water closet ~ the lou
Stay tuned!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Exceptions to every room

Hello there.  First off let me say that I'm sorry for the delay in posting.  I wanted to wait until we had the rooms completly ready to show you.  But every time I went to take a picture, I would say, "This is finished except for....".  So here are the three bedrooms all finished....except for.....
 I will start with some "before" pictures and then what they look like now; starting with our room.
This is how we first saw it. 

This is after we tore down the cieling. 

And this is what it looks like now!

The view from our bed. 

Here is the "except for..." The door isn't painted yet and the knob isn't installed.  But I couldn't wait any longer! 

 John and Sunshine's room.  
When I look back, I wonder why we weren't more scared! lol 

This is the wall that now has the french doors. 

The best made over wall ever!! BEFORE 

AFTER! The chimney was behind that old dresser.  

Love it!

And Ladybug &her sisters' room 
As we found it.

During tear out. 

And now a sweet room for a sweet sweet girl! This picture does not do the room justice. 

Secret passageway. (not such a secret)

A dressing table made from one of the old doors and a kidney table I had. 

So now you've seen the semi-finished rooms.  We've been busy doing trim, painting doors, running wires, etc.  I hope to have a more up to date reveal in a few short weeks.  Next up, Uncle's room.  

Friday, April 8, 2016

Rock N Roll !

I've titled this post Rock N Roll because that's exactly what we're doing; Rockin N Rollin.  Since my last post, we have torn out, wired, and drywalled two more bedrooms.  We are ready for a visit from Wallboy!  I'm getting ahead of myself.
  Let's start with John and Sunshine's room. Dewey came up to help, He and Superman put in a new window and framed out the cieling to prepare for drywall. Our friend, Eric, came up to help Superman with hanging the drywall. I worked on tearing the rest of the stairway wall out.  Have I mentioned how much I love these windows? They belong in the woods and they are just beautiful!

 Superman built the closet in our room. It's small and fits just inside our door.  It's just perfect.


the new window 

salvaged boards in Sunshine's room 

We stayed home for Easter weekend.  When we skip a weekend, it feels like forever since we've been at the cottage.  But when we went back the next week, the plan was to tear out the hallway and finish up some small jobs.  When we tore out the hallway, look what we found; I think it's a loom. I have to ask our friend, Jim, next door. It may have belonged to his grandmother. Jim told us that the bathroom was the room his grandmother used to weave rugs! The bathroom was outside!  The hallway tear out went quicker than expected. So we dove into Ladybug's room.  Before we knew it, we were putting in insulation and starting to hang more drywall.   I help Superman as much as I can, but there are some jobs that I'm not needed so I find other things to do, like paint furniture! I also painted a couple of the bedroom floors. And those people on Pinterest are so darn clever! I saw those dominos and had to make some for myself.  They will go in "Uncle's" room.

hallway tear out

home made loom? 

New window

Painted floor

Pinterest copy cat

This is where the roof meets the addition.

This is a typical scenerio: Superman working, Ladybug "helping" and Roxy stealing something! 

On the following weekend, we finished drywalling Ladybug's room.  The main project for that weekend was to put in the new kitchen door.  In a previous post, Superman and his helpers cut into the wall and put a door in.  That door was just temporary until we bought a new one.  This is the new door.  It lets so much light into the kitchen, I just love it.    

New door!! 

We are headed back to the Redberry this weekend. We have a new little window for Ladybug's room and one for the hallway. We hope to finish the drywall. Before you know it, I'll be moving our bed upstairs....yay!!
Just a shout out....we can always use help, so let us know if you would like to come spend a day and lend a hand. I'll feed you!