Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Chipmunks and squirrels and mice, oh my!

August 29 & 30, 2015

It was a fairly quiet weekend at the Red berry.  We had a little helper with us.  Lady bug came along to assist in all the projects on our list.  We started by scraping some paint off of the front porch.  We didn't get finished but we got a pretty good start on it.  She wore those safety glasses all weekend!

We also tore some of the siding off of the porch. We plan to expose the original wide boards under the porch roof. It will give the cottage a look of originality.  I love the old boards. We figured they wouldn't get too weathered under the porch roof. 

Later, while Lady bug entertained herself with my ipad, Superman and I started to tear down the rest of the ceiling in the dining area. (Lady bug was in another room with plastic barriers; safe and sound)
This is where the title of this post comes in.  I wish I was joking when I say we emptied the shop vac 5 times and filled an additional 30 gal. garbage bag with nests.  There were skeletons of the critters that used to live there. I'd rather have a skeleton than a furry creature any day. We seriously found an entire squirrel skeleton! Lol.  It was pretty gross. Once the ceiling was down and all the nests were cleaned up, I vacummed spider webs and dirt from the beams. They look beautiful! 

We took a lunch break and made mountain pies....yum! 

After lunch, we took a walk to the "big pines".  Superman cut some low branches off of the trees so we can walk around the area safely.  

Here comes the fun part and probably the highlight of our weekend.  Lady bug is very soft spoken in this video so I'm going to give you the sub-title here. Then you can watch the video and know what she is saying.  

Lady bug-  "It's afternoon. I just took my nap. And Boo is going to cut a hole in the wall from Glam and Boo's room to my room". 
Me- "For what?" "Why do you need a hole in the wall?"
Lady bug- "Cause, we're going to put a door in"
Me- "What kind of a door?" 
Lady bug- "A secret passage door"
Me-" What did you say?" A secret passage door? "That is so cool!" 

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