Thursday, August 13, 2015

What's all the buzz about?

Saturday, August 8, 2015.  The first thing on our agenda were the bees. The weekend before, we found bees in the kitchen wall. I was very excited about this. I wanted some honey! Our sweet cottage neighbor helped us with finding a local bee keeper. He was not interested in taking the bees but he knew someone who was. So first thing Saturday morning, they came out to check out the bees. It was interesting to watch them up close. The bees didn't seem to mind that they were being investigated.  Trying to find how far up the hive goes, they pounded the kitchen wall and listened with a stethascope.  They did not remove the bees that day, but went back on Monday.  I still don't know if there is any honey.

The rest of the day we cleaned up; Superman on the outside and me on the inside.
Superman removed some pieces of wood from some stumps where the driveway is going to be.

He also hacked down the tall weeds. Now we can see the outhouse!

I painted some old lamps that were here.

I also tackled the grimy table. Isn't she beautiful?! Look at those legs!!

Remember the scary bathroom? It's not so scary now.  Well, at least its less scary.  It's clean and it's functional with running water and everything!

Dewey came back up on Sunday to help Superman install a new front door. It looks awesome.

While the guys were putting in the door, I was tearing down ceiling tiles and a closet wall.

It was another successful weekend.

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