Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Where to begin?

 I wasn't kidding when I said she was rough.. Everything was just left. There were table cloths on top of table cloths.

 There was mouse poison EVERYWHERE! There were plenty of dead/skeletal mice everywhere too.
 The kitchen's wall paper is peeling and everything is musty and moldy.
 But amidst all the stuff, there were a couple of treasures. One being the agate top cabinet straight out of the 1930's.

Undernieth the five table cloths  was a beautiful table with four leaves. We took the leaves out and I will refinish the table; it's gorgious!

 We started with the living room. We threw all the furniture out the front door and then started ripping out the carpet. I scraped a little bit of foam off the ORIGNAL WOOD FLOORING!  Be still my heart. 


Then we headed upstairs to take out all the old wallpaper and sheet rock from what will be our room. It was a little bit scary, I'm not going to lie. 

The pictures above are the rest of the bedrooms just to show how rough they were. 

My cousin, Mark, and I hustled 8 sets of mattresses and box springs out of the bedrooms. 
My other cousin, Dewey, worked with Superman to level the wrap around porch. They raised it 6 inches! How in the world was it still hanging on?

This is what was hold up the porch. I use the word "holding" loosely. 

Each weekend we go up, we are making progress. It's been a great beginning so far. It seems to be the only thing Superman and I talk about and we find it hard to sleep at night, well, at least I find it hard to sleep at night. 

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